Week one of Zooma Annapolis training is in the books. It did not go as well as I would have liked. I had all good intentions. I got my 3 mile run in on Saturday and ate basically what I knew I would. I did well on Sunday, even hitting the gym for a walk/bike/core workout. Monday, I didn't get my 30 minute run in due to a snowstorm that lasted literally all day. We were able to get to our training session Monday night and get in a 15 minute stationary bike ride.
And that's where my week went downhill. I talked about that failed training session earlier in the week and how it effected me mentally and emotionally. I appreciate all the support you guys gave me! But, I let it take me down the wrong track. Hubby had to go into the office Tuesday/Wednesday (he works from home and only goes into Philly a few times a year) and I just didn't handle myself well. I snacked all day on Tuesday and didn't work out. Wednesday, I went to work and did ok all day, but killed myself afterwards. I skipped the gym, then had McDonald's for dinner. It wasn't pretty.
But, I learned something this week. Actually a couple things.
1. My diet (what I eat) is my downfall. It really is. I may not like to exercise, but it's really what I eat that's holding me back from reaching my goals. I am an emotional eater and no matter what, I fall back on it. I have yet to find something to replace reaching for that Tastykake or Snickers. I need to spend time on this. I need to find a way around this. I need to find a way to make meals that I want to eat throughout the week. My diet is my focus next week.
2. My job is physical. I didn't just figure this out. I've known it for months. But, I am seeing that 6 hours on my feet does not make me want to go to the gym after work. Many a day the bottom of my feet hurt and I'm tired. All I want to do is go home, eat dinner, and chill. This week I am re-working my training plan so I am not going to the gym on my full work day. I know that sounds funny, but if I am exhausted and bail on a workout, I feel like I failed my plan. So, rather than failing my training plan, I can re-work it so it works for me. I can play with how I plan my workouts so I get them in, but I listen to my body.
So that's this week. A bit of learning. This weekend I have a 5 mile training run. Sunday, the gym is closed for Easter, so if the weather is decent maybe I'll break the bike out and hit the trail. It's something I want to do more of this year - take the bike on the trail and ride.
With all this, did I manage to lose any weight? Well...
Goal for June 1: 15 pounds
-/+: -1.4
To go: 13.6
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