This morning hubby and I got up to run the Movie Madness 5k. This race is great because it is literally 5 minutes from the house and nothing is 5 minutes from our house! We were going to dress up for it because they encourage costumes, but when I checked the temperatures at about 6:45 a.m. it was 32 degrees. skirt to my costume was too short to be out in those type of temps! So, we put on normal running gear and headed off.
We parked as far away as you could get based on race day instructions and walked to the registration table. Since we were at the O's game last night we missed day before packet pick-up. The organizers were dressed up as Ghost Busters.
We took our bibs and such to the car, freezing the whole time. We put on our bibs and walked back to the starting area. We had about 15 minutes before the 5k was set to start. They did set off the half marathon about on time at 8:00 a.m. There was a decent number of people for it, but I'll be honest, not enough for my liking! The 5k was scheduled for 8:10 a.m. and we went off about that. While the race had lovely timing chips on the bibs, they did not have a starting mat to start your bib, so I (uncharacteristically) went to the front of the group of 5k runners. I stayed as far left as I could, but I wanted to be close to the start since I left Garmie at home.
We were sent on our way with the call of "Lights! Camera! Action!" and off we went! This year's course was a bit different than the one I ran in November. In my opinion, it was hillier. Many more hills to go up and some of them were rough hills. We left the high school track area, past the baseball field and up a short hill, steep, but short. We then ran across the parking lot, behind the middle school, then up this rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long hill (long for me anyway!). Once up that, we made a right onto the main street in front of the school and continued down until we were in front of a housing development. We took the second entrance and ran in, made a right and took that to the turn around point. The race was now just a repeat of the previous course. You can check it out here.
I was passed by numerous people during this race and until I hit the turn around, I was pretty sure I was in last place. There were a couple people walking which kept me from finishing last...bless them! I came back to the school, ran around the middle school, through the parking lot, past the baseball field, then down to the track. I had no idea what my time was (obviously). I felt like I ran strong. I felt like I ran fast. I hit the track and a ton of people started cheering for the kid I had passed on the course just moments before. Around the track I ran (not the whole track, just a small portion) and as I got close to the finish line, I sprinted. Not sure why, but eh. Why not if you can?
I finished ahead of the kid. Phew! Came through the shoot and was handed my medal. Hubby found me and I waited at the computer board that had our times posted as you finished. I kept waiting for mine because as I crossed the line it said 43 minutes. Wha??? I know I ran faster than that! And finally I came up! 37:26. Woohoo! That's not a bad time at all! I wanted to beat last year's 38:31 - mission accomplished! And honestly, I think this course was hillier than the last one and did I mention I didn't take any walk breaks? Yea. I ran the whole darn thing. I can't remember the last time I ran a race without walking. Maybe Princess Half Marathon in 2011?
Afterwards we got our photo in front of the Movie Madness back drop...
A month or so ago an email went out to past participants about how few people had signed up and you could potentially win an age group medal. So, we decided to wait around to see if we did. Why not? I will say it was soooo cold waiting around! The temperatures were actually decent, but the wind! My God, the wind! So nasty! But, we waited. They were a bit disorganized and did all the men first. When we got to hubby's age group he thought it possible he might win one. Sadly, he did not. He had a good race, but the 3rd place finisher was 25 something. We were disappointed. So, then we waited for the ladies. I didn't have high hopes. Just because I ran a good race for me, doesn't mean it would be a good time for the race. When they started to announce the time for the 2nd place finisher...37...we looked at each other and woohoo! I won 2nd in my age group! Even with a slow run I won 2nd! Woohoo!
I've never won an age group trophy before! It's all very exciting! I can't believe it. Yea me! After the race, we headed to DD for our post-race/post-run Earn Your Donuts breakfast. I treated myself to the apple fritter even though I only ran 3.1 miles. I had said I couldn't order one unless I ran 5 or more miles this year, but I figured winning 2nd in your age group allowed for a relaxing of the donut rules. :)
Did you race today? Did you run? How did it go?
Woohoo! Bringin' home the hardware!