Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Trying something new in September

So, I've been saying for ages I need to buckle down with the healthy eating and working out. I haven't been all that successful.

This month, I decided to try something new. I wrote out every meal for the ENTIRE MONTH. Yes, I wrote out what to make for dinner for every meal.

Monthly white board with all dinners
I didn't stop there. I grabbed a binder with sheet paper and wrote out every workout and every meal for the same time frame. Yes, I know exactly what I'm going to eat and exactly what workouts I'm going to do for the whole month of Sept. Crazy!

This notebook got me through grad school. If it can do that, it can help me get my diet/workouts under control!

The last day of the month written out. We have some plans for the last 2 days, so I skipped those.

Am I insane? I know the meals are simple and some are my cheat meals. I gotta make sure I stick to it. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing this. For each workout and meal I will check it off. Hopefully by the end of the month, I have lots of check marks on all the pages!

What are you doing this month to keep you in track? Ever plan out a whole month in advance? Did it work for you?


  1. I rejoined Weight Watchers online a couple weeks ago. I KNOW how to count points, but paying money to keep me accountable seemed to be the push I needed. Down 3 pounds so far!

    I've never planned an entire month - I'm doing good if I plan a day in advance! Maybe I should try a week... baby steps.

    1. I've done WW! I totally understand the accountability thing. That's where I struggle. I KNOW how to do it, it's just doing it that's the problem. Congrats on those 3 pounds!! Awesome!

      I've never planned more than a week's dinners before. Never a whole month of them or every other meal for the month. It's interesting and so far has been helpful. Didn't skip tonight's meal for something easy. :)
