Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I kinda thought this was funny when looking for a bike image for today's post.  I will admit there are times I kinda feel this way on my bike when I'm out riding (which really has no bearing on today's topic actually.).  I think it would be interesting to go to a triathlon or duathlon and see that bike head off!  I think I would probably fall down laughing.  :-)

But that's really not what today's post is all about.  After taking last week off of riding due to my knee injury (which is healing slowly.  It's still pretty scabbed over.  Gross, I know, but it's true.  Thanks for asking), I was going to head out this week for my first sets of bricks.  A brick in triathlon or duathlon training is doing two parts of the event back-to-back in training, i.e. run/bike or bike/run.  Since my schedule was bike on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, my goal was to hit the road yesterday.  I was at the archives in the morning, but when I left it was fairly warm.  So, I decided to wait til dinner time to go out hoping the temps would go down and the sun wouldn't be directly overhead.  At about 5:30 p.m. yesterday, the skies opened up and it poured.  I mean, pouring so hard that looking out the window all you saw was white.  Crazy rain and thunder.  Ugh.  No brick.  I did use my small bike (45 minutes) that I have at home to get in a little exercise. And in one sense, I'm happy I used that Monday rather than out on the roads.  My knee was a little unused to the movement and it was not happy. 

So, today I thought I might head out to make up for my lack of brick yesterday.  After returning home from the archives, I wasn't sure with the way the sky looked.  Hubby headed out for a run, but I decided to be lazy use the indoor bike again.  I'm glad I did.  About 10 minutes after hubby left, the skies opened up again and a crazy down pour came again.  I had a nice 30 minutes on the bike.  It wasn't what I would have preferred, but the weather has not been kind.

This makes me a tad bit nervous though.  I need to get in these bricks so I get used to the transitions for the duathlon.  I know the sun will come out between now and June 10th, but when?  I missed my 14.5 mile ride because of my knee last week and now I've missed my first brick.  Someone tell me at some point I'll get out there and ride a brick or two before the race.

1 comment:

  1. I guess swimming would have been useful after all. Or ark-building.
