Saturday, July 30, 2011

First Week of Half Marathon Training

Well, today marked the completion of Week 1 of Philadelphia Half Marathon training.  My schedule is a Tuesday/Thursday 30 minute run, with Saturdays being long run days.  Week 1 had me run 3 miles for my long run.  It still boggles my mind that I can start a half marathon training at 3 miles.  There was a time when 3 miles seemed like a joke.  Who could start out at 3 miles?  Why isn't it 1 mile or even half a mile?  But, I am now one of those people who look at three miles and say "only" three miles or "only" a 5k.  Wow.  When did that happen?

This is my path today for my long run.  Tuesday's photo is the same intersection, just going the opposite direction (same side of the street).  I decided I was going to run the hill (you can see it in the distance) so I wanted to do it when I was fresh and not at the end when I would be tired.  I also wanted to push myself a bit today.  I feel like I could go faster if I pushed, so today was a move your ass faster day.

Started out at 79 degrees, which was not pleasant.  LOL!  And since I was pushing myself and going up a big hill, it seemed even less so.  But, I got my butt moving and got up the hill.  I did use the run half a mile, walk 1 minute like I've been doing.  I felt like I was running faster than Garmin was saying, but for the first mile and a half it didn't seem to reflect on my times.  Then, at the 2 mile mark, it showed.  I was at 27:38 for 2 miles.  Wow.  I know that's not much to most runners, but Tuesday I hit 2 miles at 28:35 and Thursday I was at 2 miles at 29:15.  What an improvement!  In 30 minutes (which is the T/TH schedule), I ran 2.17 miles, .08 miles better than Tuesday and .12 miles better than Thursday!  Nice!

The rest of the run went well.  I had high hopes I could do the 3 miles in under 40 minutes, but it was not to be - 41:30.  It's ok.  I stopped 4 times for water and walk breaks.  When I finished I still felt good.  Which I think is the point of the walking breaks, to not feel depleted at the end.  So, not a bad first week.  :-)


For those interested in the weight loss component of my little blog, I gained .4 pounds this week. Bah!  I knew it was coming.  I ate crap Friday/Saturday/Sunday, which is a no-no for me when trying to lose.  I just need to get back on track Sunday to have a good week and I didn't.  Ah well, I'll survive.  It's less than half a pound.  I can lose that and more this coming week.

Total Down Since May: 12.2
Total Loss for Dec. 23 (21 weeks): 37.4
To Go: 25.2

Exercise: 30 Activity Points/4,142 Calories burned


If interested in the Archives part of my life, I am almost finished my 1918 Influenza Epidemic research.  I have a couple more things to look up, then I can start organizing it for publication on the website.  I'm sad to see it come to a close because it is so fascinating.  I got to look through cadaver receiving books this week, which are so neat.  I know, a bit morbid, but really interesting.  Especially the patients that come from mental institutions.  Once I finish off the last few places to look at (which I have a feeling won't have much, but I still want to check them out), I will then start writing up a finding aid that will be published on the Archives website.  Kinda cool.  :-)

I also cleaned some Muster Rolls this week.  We didn't clean last week, so it was great to get back to it.  It also looks like I'll be able to continue cleaning them once the official interns have left.  I was asked if I would be interested in continuing and of course I said yes.  :-)  Looks like I will be able to go and clean them without oversight come late August and into the fall.  Woohoo!


  1. I don't think you gained .4 pounds. I can have 2 cups of coffee and show .4 pounds more on the scale!

  2. Thanks Valiant! It's ok. I'm back track and should be good next week! I'd love to see 5 pounds gone before vacay, but any loss between now and then will be a good one. I appreciate the support! It's good to have people who care.
