Saturday, November 19, 2011

Race Expo

One of the fun things about running longer races (and sometimes smaller ones) is the Race Expo.  In case you don't know what that is, when you go pick up your bib and race packet the organizers of the race invite running/health related businesses to set up a booth to tempt excited racers into buying stuff.  It generally works, unless you are very well disciplined.  LOL!

When I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon the Expo was held at ESPN's Wide World of Sports.  I really enjoyed the Expo because not only did I buy WAY more crap than I needed, but it was an Expo completely geared towards women.  I suppose that's what happens when you have only about 700 men running and about 13,000 women.  ;-)

Then we hit up the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Expo for hubby just a few weeks later in Virginia Beach.  They had a great Expo as well!  I was restrained and tried not to pick up anything there. I mean, I went a tad bit crazy in Disney, I sure didn't need to go crazy at a race that wasn't even one I was running in!

Today, hubby and I are hitting up the Philadelphia Marathon and Half Marathon Expo to pick up our bibs, shirts, and good bags.  Then we'll wander through the Expo seeing if there's anything we need (haha!) or want (more likely). 

Then tomorrow, it's go time!  Shortly before 7:00 a.m. the theme music to Rocky will start, the elites will head out and probably about 35-40 minutes after the official start I'll head off.  After 3.5 months of training, I'll be running the streets of Philadelphia in my second half marathon.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK today! More importantly..... ENJOY!! I can't wait to hear about your day!!!
