Saturday, April 23, 2011

Being a wuss

You know, some days you feel like you can do stuff you normally would laugh at.  Some days it seems like a grand adventure, something you can tell others about and have them look at you like you're crazy.  Today is not one of those days. 

Hubby found a 5k in town (which is rare, as we live in a small little town) a month or two ago and thought about running in it.  Last night, he decided to run in it and I said, why not?  I need a 2-3 mile run today, a 5k would fit in perfectly.

Then we looked at the weather.  Rain.  Lots and lots of rain.  Like 100% chance of rain.  And yesterday, it seemed like a glorious feel good run.  The cause is fabulous - raising money to assist WWII veterans the chance to visit the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C.  Totally, a cause that resonates with my heart. 

And now, sitting here, staring outside at the rain pouring from the skies, I'm bailing.  I'm all dressed, cleaned up, and ready to go...and I'm bailing.  I just don't have it in me to run in this.  And as of yesterday, I was ok with coming in last.  Until I saw it's being run by the local HS and now I realize, not only will I come in last, but I will come in last to large quantities of high school track runners.  And for some reason that is just not acceptable for my ego today.

1 comment:

  1. I am reminded, though, of the time where it was like 5 degrees and you went down the park and ran while I stayed inside and ate bonbons.
