Friday, April 29, 2011

Such an anglophile...

Seriously.  I am.  I have been reading tons of stuff on the Royal Wedding for the last week.  It was fun to read about what carriages they would use, how much of them were in the planning, how the dress design and designed hadn't been leaked, but I didn't think I would watch the coverage.  I'm such a dope!

See, my grandmother is a war bride.  She met my grandfather during WWII when he was stationed near her hometown of Northampton, England (2 hours north of London).  They met, feel in love, she converted to Catholicism, and they married in a church over there.  She has been in the States for years, but there's still a touch of that English accent and phrasing.  We are all proud to have our roots go back to England and I've been twice to London (once in 2000 for my cousin's wedding and just last year). 

So, why I didn't think I would want to watch this is beyond me.  LOL!  Though, I will say, I am not a morning person, so God bless the people who invented the DVR.  I recorded PBS (who was using the BBC feed) and got up my normal time and watched the coverage.  And my girlie heart melted.  I love weddings, wedding dresses, clothing, songs, you name it.  And this was a fantastic one!

I'll leave you with a photo or two of London.  It's such a lovely place.  I highly recommend you go.  :-)

 The tourist entrance to Westminster Abbey. This is where the guests entered.
 The gorgeous relief sculptures and iron doors to the tourist entrance.  It is an amazing building.  I have no indoor images, as you are asked to refrain from taking them.  While the Royal Wedding showed some of it's grandeur, you really can't see it all until you go yourself.
From the London Eye, Parliment and to the right is Westminster Abbey.  I wish I were there right now...

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