Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Adoption Day!

Happy Adoption Day Miss. Elizabeth the Kitten!
5 years ago, my hubby and I were volunteering at the local SPCA here in town.  We were responsible for going to the PetSmart in town and cleaning out the cages of the cats for adoption, as well as getting them some exercise (playing with them!) and chatting to people who stopped by the cages to help get them adopted. 

One night, when we came into the cage area there was this adorably small kittenesque cat in the cage.  Apparently, the owners had determined they had too many cats and decided to give one up.  Once at the SPCA, she had a litter of kittens and she was the only one left as all her kittens had been adopted out.  We opened her cage and she came right over to us.  She was quiet and seemed sad, but purred like crazy and curled herself up on my lap when I sat down.  She was just the most adorable thing.

Two weeks later, we returned to PetSmart to help with the cages and she was still there.  We were floored.  How could this adorable, sweet kitten-cat still be sitting in one of those cages?  She again purred like crazy when we pulled her out of her cage to clean it.  She again curled up in a little ball on my lap.  We started talking about adopting her.

Now, the issue lied in we had two cats at home - Higgy and Pooka who were 8 years old.  Would they adjust to having a new cat come in at their age?  We debated for a couple of weeks, asked people we knew who had brought a third (or second cat) into the home, and kept thinking about it.  The next time we went into PetSmart, she was still there.  So cute, so sweet, so alone...

The next day, I was home sick from work and hubby was at the office in Harrisburg.  We decided to adopt.  I went out to the SPCA (which was about a 45 minute drive away) and signed the paperwork.  Because we were volunteers, they told us just to take the paperwork over ourselves and take her home.  So, that evening, we bought a cat carrier, showed the paperwork to the PetSmart manager, and brought home Elizabeth the Kitten.  

5 years later, it is still one of the smartest decisions we have ever made.

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