Wednesday, May 18, 2011


My driveway today

So, yea.  It rained today.  Like a lot.  I left the archives this afternoon and it was raining, but nothing exciting.  Not more than it's been raining.  Once, the rain got kinda strong, but it quickly went back to nothing exciting.

I realized as I headed to my car that tonight (again) would not be a run/bike night.  So, I headed home a little more nervous about not getting in that run/bike (again).  And then I hit traffic.  It seemed like people just weren't moving.  It was strange.  So, then I tried to take a different route home.  I crossed the Susquehanna River at a different point, hoping to miss whatever was going on.  Nope.  Hit traffic once over the bridge.  Darn it!

I finally make it to the highway and we're still backed-up.  WHAT'S GOING ON?  It's very frustrating.  I decide to get off the highway a couple exits up and take the back way.  Ugh.  Apparently others decided the same.  The road was more crowded than I anticipated and the rain had started to overflow their banks.  Which shouldn't have been a surprise as I heard we were in a flash flood warning.

I finally make it to my normal exit via back roads and couldn't figure out why it was so backed-up.  Then I got to the light and saw the way in front.  The road way was impassable for compact cars due to water.  Some trucks were getting through, but compact cars?  Nope.  So, I turn around and get on the highway (because this is my last option to get home).

I go two exits from home and get off.  And have a very uneventful ride from that exit home.  Thank God!  But when I got home and started down the drive way, what you see above is what I saw.  The rain had come so fast and so hard, it overflowed the little stream in front of the house.  The good thing is it wasn't as bad as it can be and I got the car across.  I really didn't want to park the car on the other side and WALK through that!  Bah!  A normally 30 minute drive home took me an hour and forty-five.  :-(

Maybe, at some point, I'll be able to ride my bike again...

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