Sunday, May 22, 2011

Road ID

I've been running for several years now and each year I seem to acquire new "running" specific items.  Of course, the first item was running shoes.  I wasn't just using the same ole sneakers I used for everything.  I had running specific shoes.

At Christmas two years ago, I received a long sleeve cold weather shirt.  The idea is that when the weather is cold it helps keep the heat in so you stay warmer while you run.  I use it a lot in the winter.  I layer it under other clothes and rarely am I chilly from the waist up even with the temps in the teens or below!  And it sure came in handy when training for a half marathon with temps below 20 and snow on the ground.

Yesterday, I received another running (though it can be used for any outdoor athletic activity) item.  My hubby ordered me a Road ID bracelet to wear while out running/biking.  He decided that with the addition of biking and riding it on the roads, rather than just running on the sidewalks, he thought it might be helpful in case I fall off my bike and get hurt.  Basically, it is a bracelet that has important information about you and emergency contact information in case something happens.  I bought hubby one for Christmas since I knew he would running more throughout the winter, training for his marathon.  So, now I have one too.  I think it will take a bit of getting used to wearing it, but I'm ok with that.  It'll be good to know that if (ok, more like when) I fall whoever finds me will know who to call.

Oh, and that Warrior Princess?  I wondered too.  Hubby took the names of my first half marathon (Disney Princess Half Marathon) and my first duathlon (Keystone Warrior Memorial Duathlon) and put them together.  :-)  Nobody better mess with me! 


  1. how clever! i like that..."warrior princess" - love that it has a special meaning. =) i need to get myself one of those since i'll be doing some long training runs in the near future.

  2. I feel safer having mine. Thank you!

  3. Yup, Brian is a clever one. :-) I was boring and his just says "Earn your donuts." LOL!
