Saturday, May 21, 2011

First brick

Today I (finally) ran my first brick.  Which means I went for a run, then a bike ride.  I was supposed to do this on Monday...Wednesday...and Friday.  But, with the rain this week there was no way I was getting out there.  I was getting a bit nervous as I really wanted to do some bricks before the duathlon.  And rationally I realize it will not rain between now and June 10th every day, but when you just want to get out there and do it it's hard to be rational.  LOL!

But, this morning I got up and hit the road.  I started with the run for 1 mile.  And I had a really good mile too.  My half mile was 6:02, which for my running lately, that's pretty darn good!  My full mile time was 12:36.  I then got back to the school where the bike is parked, unlocked it, and then grabbed my helmet.  It took about 5 minutes to do all that.  I really made no effort to go fast, so I'm not upset over the transition time.  Then it was off on the bike!  It was the first time I rode on real roads with cars.  It was a little scary.  I did only really ride on real roads for a short time, then I went into the development I trained for my half in.  A bit hillier than the park, but that's ok.  Oddly enough some of the hills I struggle with on my runs weren't so bad on the bike. Yea!  I rode five miles in 27:06.  Not bad.  Not my fastest 5 mile time, but it's sure a great time with having run a mile before hand.  :-)

So, I have started on the downward journey to the duathlon.  From here on out, the bike rides will be partnered with runs.  Hoping the weather cooperates, but I'm hearing rumblings of more rain this week.  Bah!  Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the rain holds off.  Please?

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