Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly Round Up

What a week!  I knew I should have taken shop in high school, it would have made making that ark so much easier!  The rain has been cra-zy this week.  It seems every day we have storms.  I read that we are already above 19" of rain for my neck of the woods, which is 3 and some inches above normal.  I better not hear of any drought conditions this summer!  And apparently Accuweather is calling for more rain next week - that is if we're all still here.  You know, with the Rapture and all coming this weekend.

Anywho...This was a great week in some aspects, not so great in others.  I finally started volunteering at the State Archives.  I started inquiring about volunteering up with the State Museum/Archives on Feb. 4th and I started with the Archives on May 16th.  Can we say slow?  Ugh.  Anyway, the positive thing is I'm there and it's AWESOME!  I've spent my week researching what the state of PA did for the 1918 Influenza Epidemic and I learned how to clean an historic document.  Two exciting and fun things for me.  :-)  What's even better is every Thursday afternoon I get to work on cleaning the documents.  Eeeeee!  Yes, I'm a dork.  What's it to ya?

Diet went ok, exercise not so much.  This week was supposed to be the first week of bricks (run/bike or bike run workouts).  I was going to do three days of 1 mile run/5 mile ride, but with the rain the way it's been I did none of them.  Zilch.  Nada.  Nothing.  Bah!  I did a couple indoor bike rides at home, but not what I was hoping to do.  And as stated above Accuweather is not helping me out next week with better weather.  I will be trying a brick tomorrow morning for my Sat. morning exercise (normally I run) to try and get one in.  It'll be a simple 1 mile run with a 5 mile bike.  Wish me luck!  Oh!  I am down .4 (decimal point 4) pounds this week.  Apparently, I wasn't completely insane without my exercise this week.  Hoping for a better week next.

One year ago this week, hubby and I were in Italy.  So bittersweet thinking back on it.  It really was the trip of a lifetime.  It was such an amazing trip that we actually realized how fantastic a trip it was while we were on it.  It wasn't just one of those trips when you get home and thing, wow!  That was a fun vacation.  Nope, throughout the trip we kept saying how lucky we were to be there and tried to soak in as much as possible.  We did our best, but I know I could find more to do if we went back.  ;-)  The good thing is we're planning two trips this year - one to Montreal with our friend and one to Jamaica to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.  That's what's getting me through my pining for Europe, these two trips.  Montreal needs to hurry up and get here!  :-)

Some photo eye candy for you.  Enjoy!

 The Colosseum in Rome, truly one of the most amazing sites in the world.
 The ceiling of the alter at St. Peter's Basilica
 Carousel in the Piazza de Republica in Florence.  I swore day 1 in Florence I would ride it.  This was as close as I got.  LOL!
 Grape fields in Tuscany at the winery we did a tasting at.  The wine was delicious.  So wish we brought a bottle or two home.
 The Leaning Tower of Pisa.  How leaning could one tower be?  It really does lean.  If we had more time we would have gone to the top, but alas we did not. 
A canal in Venice.  It was incredible to ride on the canals and see Venice from the water.

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