Friday, May 13, 2011

(Thursday pre-emted) On the road again

Since the knee debacle on Saturday, I've basically sat my butt on the sofa and done nothing.  For several days, the knee wouldn't stop doing disgusting things and it wasn't until Tuesday night, when I let it air out for a few hours, that it started to heal.  It is in much better shape today than Monday and my overly optimistic view of being able to continue working out on it Monday?  Mwahahahahaha!  What was I thinking? 

So, on Thursday (which would have been posted ON Thursday if Blogger hadn't decided to go down for two days) I hit the road again to see what the knee could take.  My idea was a simple walk.  Just get out there and do something to see how the knee would hold up.  Of course, I wore my running shoes rather than my walking/biking shoes.  I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a walk/run, with more walking than running, just to see how it goes.

Turns out I ran more than I walked.  And the knee held up pretty good.  I ran some up hills, I ran some down hills, I ran some straight aways.  I did walk more than I normally would, but eh.  I had planned on walking the whole thing so I can't really complain.  I got it in under 30 minutes, which is ok.  I was proud of running even if my knee isn't in the best of shape.

Which (hopefully) means I'll be good for Saturday's Preakness 5k. *fingers crossed*  I have really been looking forward to it and running around the track (which I'm a little nervous about now, but eh.  It is what it is.).  If I walk more than I usually do (which would be any) of it, that's ok.  I know that my knee may not be 100% up to a 5k and that's fine.  I'm not worried about time or what not.  I'm just happy that my knee will be in good enough shape that I can even go to the race.  And I get a kick-a** t-shirt!

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