Friday, May 13, 2011

Slightly Disappointing

Well, after last week, when I kicked butt on exercise and lost 2 whole pounds (the best one week loss in MONTHS!), I totally lost motivation.  With the knee not being at it's best, I decided not to aggrevate it by all.  Did nothing.  Then I had a rough day where I just couldn't not eat crap all day.  Bah!

But, I got on the scale this morning.  Normally, I would have skipped it thinking I gained a ton and not wanting to see it.  When I got on this morning, I saw a .2 (yes, there's a decimal point in front of that two) gain from last week.  WHAT?!?  That's nothing!  .2 pounds is not drinking enough water.  .2 pounds is having an extra Hershey Kiss.  2. pounds is having too much salt on my corn on the cob last night. 

Basically, what I'm saying is .2 pounds is nothing.  I can get past this.  I can still lose the 6 pounds I want this month.  I have 2.5 weeks to lose 4.2 pounds.  That's totally doable.

And now I have the motivation I've been lacking this week.  Tomorrow is the Preakness 5k (yea!) and next week starts bricks for my duathlon training (a running/biking or biking/running training workout to get used to transitions).  We're hitting the grocery store this weekend, which is good since we need some veggies and fruit.  I have a good feeling about next Friday!

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