Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day here in the States.  The above is a photo of my dad and I in 1980.  He recently suffered a heart attack and had not be cleared to drive.  Going crazy at home, without car keys (mom knew he would drive against doctor's orders), he attached my wagon to the riding lawn mower, grabbed the keys, and off we went.  He needed his morning coffee fix. 

We visited Lorraine's Luncheonette, where he was friends with the owners and we hung out there for a little while.  Before heading out, Lorraine too a photo of us on the lawn mower, because who would believe this story?  Certainly not the people at the drive in window at the bank we visited before hitting the luncheonette.  LOL!  Once home, mom found out about our jaunt and took away the lawn mower keys. No more least not then.

My dad passed away 8 years later.  It has been almost 23 years since he left this world.  Father's Day, his birthday, and Veteran's Day (the day he passed) are never easy, but I like to think he's up there, looking down, and proud of me.  Happy Father's Day Dad!

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