Friday, June 17, 2011

A quick update

Hi All!  Hopefully this email will be a little less depressing/preachy than my previous two.  LOL!

So, I never followed-up on my mileage count from May.  With May being National Running Month, I set a goal of 20 miles of running.  After two consecutive months of 5 miles each, it seemed like 20 was a reasonable goal to set.  And it was.  Had I followed my duathlon training to the letter, I would have easily hit 20 miles and kept going.  Sadly, I missed the 20 mile mark by one measly mile.  Had I been keeping better track of my mileage in light of my personal challenge I would have gotten by butt out there and ran an extra mile.  Ah well. Lesson learned.  When setting a challenge for oneself, remember where you are throughout the month in relationship to that goal.  LOL!  I'm not down on myself about it though.  I got in an additional 14 miles running in May than I did in the previous two months each, so it was a marked improvement.  And, I got in an additional 63 miles on my bike, for a total of 82 miles.  I can't complain about that!

Interning is going fabulous!  It is the first time in my life when I get up in the morning and look forward to going into the "office."  I've learned so much in just the few short weeks I've been there and there's so much more to come!  I've been researching the 1918 flu epidemic in Pennsylvania, which I have been loving.  It is so fascinating to me.  I've had the opportunity to see the 1681 Charter given to William Penn by King Charles II, which is amazing!  I've worked with documents from the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s.  I've learned to clean historic documents (1865 Civil War Muster Out rolls).  Yesterday, the interns and I went on a field trip to the Railroad Museum and the Cornwall Iron Furnace. Both incredible places!  Monday (June 20th), there will be a session on how to mend historic documents.  Wow.  The mending is the next step in conservation process of documents after cleaning.  And on the 27th, we will have the unique opportunity to climb to the top of the Harrisburg Capitol Dome.  It is a rare opportunity and apparently no other set of interns have had the chance.  Eeeee!

The weight loss is going fairly well.  I had 4 weeks of maintaining, which was frustrating, but I just had to keep in mind that it wasn't a gain.  But, in the last two weeks, I'm down 3.2 pounds, for a total of 6.6 since early May.  I'm not quite where I would like to be, but eh.  The numbers going down is more important.  I've started using Lose It! to track what I'm eating.  It's been good so far.  By answering a bunch of questions, it eventually helps you determine how much you want to lose, how many calories a day you need to reach that goal, and when you should reach it.  My goal weight (if I stick to the plan) should be hit about November 12, 2011.  So, we shall see.  I still use Daily Mile to track my workouts, which I really do like.  Slowly, but hopefully surely, I'm on the right track!

Heading North this summer to Montreal with hubby and a friend.  Booked the hotel, so excited for that.  The hotel looks nice and we're in the Old City part of town.  :-)  Any suggestions on what not to miss in Montreal?  I'm also getting excited for our 10 year anniversary trip to Jamaica.  Eee!  Hard to believe we've been married almost 10 years.  Crazy!  ;-)

So that's what's up with me.  I suppose I could set some goals for the rest of June....

1. Lose 2.5 pounds.
2. Run 20 miles (I'm already at 13 for the month.)
3. Bike 50 miles (I'm already at 38 for the month)


  1. 1) I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are my exercise hero. I wish I had the motivation and get up and go to....well....get up and go like you do.
    2) Your internship sounds so interesting and I hope it will bring you the job you are looking for.
    3) Cats are evil. ;o)
    4) Tell B I love his Haiku. Today's was especially great!

  2. Thanks Nicole!
    1. I'm finding without exercise, the dieting isn't enough. Bah! But, as much as I failed at the duathlon, I kinda like the run/bike or bike/run, so I'm still doing them.
    2. I LOVE my internship! So much fun! And I'm hoping it gets me a job in the field. Right now I'm content with volunteering/interning and learning. :-)
    3. Cats are not evil.
    4. I told B. I find the haiku's fun too. Though he said eventually he'll run out of ideas. I told him he should right that when he does! LOL!
