Sunday, June 5, 2011

Less than a week

Yes, I realize I have been MIA lately.  Sorry!  Between "interning" at the State Archives and training for the duathlon, when I'm not doing either of those activities I'm a bit tired.  Oh!  And I spent all last week cleaning my house because we had a party Saturday night.  But, I'm back and will do a better job of staying current.

So, we are less than one week away from the Keystone Warrior Duathlon by Multisport Maniacs.  I am so coming in last.  LOL!  I've been working hard on getting bricks in during the week and on Saturdays mimicking the duathlon with shorter distances.  I've had some strong workouts and some longer than I've ever had.  I've done a bunch of bricks (run/bike or bike/run) over the past few weeks, which have overall gone well.  I've been slowly upping the mileage on each exercise to get used to it, as well as focusing a tad bit more on the bike/run as that's harder.

Friday, I did my longest brick to date - 12 mile bike/3 mile run.  It was supposed to be a 15 mile bike, but my legs were just sore and I didn't think I had 3 more miles in me.  Plus I was getting bored.  LOL!  I was riding literally in circles at a local park.  I packed the bike up and hit the path for my run.  I had a couple laughs during the workout.  There's a nice woman who walks at the park whom I see occasionally.  Friday I smiled at her, then realized it looked more like a grimace.  When I next saw her, I told her I swear I'm smiling to which she graciously said she knew and laughed.  We smiled every time we saw each other from then on out.  Then I packed the bike up and headed out on my run.  I quickly came across her as I headed out.  I told her my bike was done, now time for my run.  She said I was her hero.  LOL!  Then, just as I was finishing up mile 3, I passed her one last time.  I called over to her I had only a half a mile more to go, to which she replied she was on her last lap.  We both cheered our good fortune.

Saturday I was off for my last scheduled run/bike/run.  It was a scheduled 2/10/2, which I thought I easily had in hand.  And hubby chose to try it as well since he's considering doing a duathlon in July (which I am also considering) and decided to go with my mileage for the day*.  The first two miles went really well.  I felt good and I felt strong going into the bike.  After the run, I grabbed my bike.  I was bored with the neighborhood, so I thought I would stay on the main road and see what happened.  And the first half mile was lovely!  It was all downhill!  Yea!  Of course, in the back of my mind I knew I would have to go uphill to get back, but I thought maybe it would be more gradual.  As I headed around the corner, the uphill started almost immediately.  Some of it wasn't too bad, but oh there were nasty uphill areas that totally ruined my ride.  I had to get off the bike several times to walk it.  It really messed up my mind.  I ended up getting in an 8.5 mile ride, but I felt badly about not  making the 10 miles scheduled.  I locked the bike up and went out on the second run.  The bike messed with my mind and I run only 1 mile.  It was an overall frustrating workout, but I suppose, I kept riding when I wanted to stop and I ran the second run even though I wanted to skip it.

So, this week I'm tapering for Saturday's big event.  I don't want to over train this week.  I want my muscles ready to go Saturday without too much tiredness (which seems to be happening lately on the bike).  I don't want any injuries to crop up between now and then, so this is my workout plan this week (for now):

Monday: either a 1/5/1 or a 1/5 not sure yet
Tuesday: 1 mile walk to archives, maybe a walk at night?
Wednesday: 1 mile walk to archives, 2-3 mile run
Thursday: 1 mile walk to archives, nothing
Friday: debating a short, easy walk

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