Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Brick

Today, I did my last brick before the duathlon on Saturday.  I wanted one more before Saturday, but didn't want to do anything too strenuous so I didn't injure anything.  Goal was 1 mile run/5 mile bike. 

It was a rough 6 miles, but I got them all in.  I almost didn't.  My run started off great!  I felt like I had a good pace and was all excited.  Then I realized I didn't hit the start button hard enough on my Garmin, so I had NO IDEA what my time was.  So frustrating.  To the point where I almost stopped and went to the bike.  I actually started to walk to my car when I got to the part of the park next to the parking lot.  But, then I realized I didn't want to do that.  While it wasn't as great a second half a mile as the first, I did run the whole mile before getting on the bike.

For some reason, the front of my thighs have been sore when riding the bike.  I think it's from the bricks since they were fine when I was just riding the bike.  I was sore, but I stuck the course and finished my 5 miles.  It wasn't my fastest 5 miles, but I got it done.  I did my final brick before the duathlon and didn't shorten it...even though I wanted to.

Here's hoping that the duathlon goes better Saturday than my last two training workouts.


  1. You are going to kick butt! Just don't do another duathlon the day before. :-)
