Friday, June 10, 2011


I will running and biking my very first duathlon.  Eep!  Today, I hit the bike store to have my bike rack (finally) installed.  Now my bike can hang on my car rather than get jammed into the trunk/back seat of said car.

Stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home for a couple things,  including something to keep my bike lock key in.  Found a nice bike "belt" that I can attach to the seat and keep items in it.  Not what I wanted, but it will work.  I also picked up some Jelly Belly Sports Beans (assorted) for .97.  I was very happy with that price.

Headed up to packet pick-up at 4:45 p.m.  The race is about an hour away, so it took us a bit to get there plus we hit traffic on the way up due to an accident.  But, we got there, signed all the waivers (including one for the military because the race is partially on federal land) and got my bib and bag.  The tee is sweet!  The front has just the word "Warrior" on it.  :-)  There was also two Carb Boom samples, a full package of Twizzlers (yea!), some Chamois Butt'r (heehee), and a copy of the June/July edition of Liberty Sports.  A very nice bag.

So, my bike bag is about packed, I have my clothes laying out, and the Gaterade is chilling in the fridge.  Race starts at 7:00 a.m. at 71 degrees, heading up to 75 at 10:00 a.m. (which is my anticipated finish time). This time tomorrow this will all be over.  I will be celebrating with the hubby and a wonderful friend who decided to come out and cheer me on somewhere with a deck and good desserts.  And at some point early next week, there will be an update.  Hopefully with a couple not so disgusting photos (because I will be very disgusting from all that sweating tomorrow!).

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