It's the weekend and plans usually call for a run on Saturday and then to just chill. Saturday morning I woke up later than I thought I would. By the time I got out of bed, hubby had been up for hours and wanted breakfast, so I skipped my run and went to breakfast with him (we go to Dunkin Donuts every Saturday. It's a tradition we started about 5 years ago when I started running.). When we came home I tweeted, "A Saturday with nothing to do. What to do...what to do..." One of my Twitter friends responded with "do a little more training then maybe you have planned and then reward yourself!!! Everyday can be a fun day :-)"
And with that, I felt bad for having skipped my run. It was too hot and too late to go out for a run (plus I had just eaten a wake up wrap, donut, and iced coffee. I can't imagine that would have gone well with a run), but I could do an upper body workout and use my stationary bike. So, I did 5 rounds of upper body lifting and 60 minutes of my stationary bike. Not bad considering I usually do 3 rounds of upper body and 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I felt better.
But, something strange happened. It felt odd not going for a run this weekend. Not that I've been the best at running lately, but it still felt strange. So, this morning I got up and went for a run. Sadly, Garmin was dead and I had no idea. I only used it for the 5k last weekend, but I guess I forgot to turn it off. So, instead I used my Nano, which has the Nike+ system on it. It's not 100% accurate, but it was better than nothing. It was hot. I don't like hot. I was slow, but I kept a steady pace and ran almost the whole thing. The last few meters I walked, but it was hot. I had water with Nuun Tropical and a cold wash cloth waiting for me in the car and it was heavenly. LOL!
Came home and made lunch. Finished off my Nuun and while waiting for my low-fat waffles to toast I found Lilo and Stitch on Disney! One of my all-time favorite movies! Apparently the universe rewards following through on your plans to run. ;-)
So, I got an extra workout this weekend because I couldn't just replace my run with upper body workout and a stationary bike.
Did you get your workout in this weekend? Do you enjoy working out in the heat or are you more a cold weather person?
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