Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is going right

The whole eating healthy and exercising thing isn't working out as well as I had hoped the last several weeks.  And I have no idea why.  I just can't seem to get the motivation up to do what I'm supposed to do.  It's really rather frustrating. 

And because I don't want to be negative, I've decided to post a few positive things that have happened lately:

* Being the Harrisburg History Examiner has been fun so far.  Finding topics to write on has been a little more difficult than I thought it would be, but it's really been a neat experience.  I'll be posting another article later today.  And if you're in the Harrisburg/York/Lancaster area, you'll surely want to check it out!

* I received an email from a list-serve I belong to about needing judges for a 4th grade history essay contest.  I decided to email back and volunteer to judge.  Yesterday, they emailed back saying they would love to have me and I'll hear more from them at the end of the month.  Yea!  I'm thinking it's resume building.

* I follow a number of photography blogs, in the goal of learning some new things.  One of the blogs the other day listed a website where you can write for AOL and if your article gets picked up, you get paid.  I have so far submitted three articles for consideration.  They have a list of topics and you chose the ones you want to write on.  It's not retirement money, but it's something and experience.

* I received another email from a different list-serve yesterday with a local history position opening up.  I was really excited as I check the website of this organization about once a week or every other week and it is not up.  So, I'm happy that belonging to this list-serve gave me an opportunity I would not through normal channels have heard about.  I'm in the process of putting all the required documentation together - including recommendations!  This is the only organization I have applied to that wants recommendations rather than references.  It makes submitting more difficult.  But, I working hard to get everything in place by Monday's deadline.

* And in the spirit of full disclosure, I emailed an organization that I received an email for requesting authors for an upcoming encyclopedia.  I expressed my interest in writing on several topics and had hoped to hear they would be interested in me writing for them.  Nope.  Their policy is to hire professors or Ph.D. students with prior publishing experience on the topic.  Sad.

So, there you have it, things that are going well right now.  Hoping to turn the diet/exercise thing around in the coming week.  Not sure what the heck is going on with it.  If you have any advice, please share.  I'm all ears!


  1. Best of luck on your history job search. It is a little tough to break into the field professionally, but perseverance and a willingness to edge in sideways (a la the 4th grade history judge gig) also works.
    From a fellow PSH AMSTD grad.

  2. Hey gnagle! (I feel bad not knowing your real name, please accept my apologies)

    Thank you for the kind words. You got it right, it is hard to break in professionally. And I picked a great time to graduate with the AMST degree. LOL! But I'm working on it. Trying to see what happens and throwing my name in the ring. Hoping something sticks. :-)

  3. You know they say you can't have your cake and eat it too - clearly - otherwise we wouldn't be on WW, right?! However, it is great that other things in life ARE going well. All will fall into place soon - jobs, weight loss, etc. Keep up the perseverance on all fronts!
    (wow looking back on that it sounds like a horoscope write-up! LOL!)

  4. I like horoscopes. :) As long as they're positive ones!
