Monday, January 17, 2011

Halfway there...

This morning I checked out my training schedule for the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  Hubby had been talking about how he had a 4 mile run scheduled for today for his training program and I kept thinking I would have more miles to cover today.  Which I thought odd since he's training for a full marathon and I'm only doing half (yes, yes, I know.  A half is still impressive.) 

I noticed two things when I checked my mileage for today's run.  One, we are running the same number of miles today - 4.  Which, I thought strange.  The funny thing is, it will take him about 33-35 minutes to get his 4 miles in, while it will take me 55 minutes to get mine in.  That's somewhat depressing...

I also noticed that I am at the halfway mark in my training program.  I have been training for 6 weeks and I have 6 weeks to go.  Wow.  That is crazy!  I had no idea I had gotten that far in the training.  I had been saying I was about 6 weeks away from the race, but it didn't click that it also means I'm halfway through training.  It's all down hill from here.  Which is kinda insane. 

It's insane because I never thought I would have the strength to train for a half marathon.  I never thought I could keep going on a training program that made me run more than a few miles.  Then again, I never thought I could run a mile before and look at me now.  My long run on Saturday was 9 miles.  Yes, nine miles.  Insane.  I was the girl who always said, the only reason I run is if someone is chasing me...and even then they would catch me. 

So, it's all downhill on the training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  In six weeks, I'll be standing at the starting line with thousands of other women, with my good friend and training partner (somewhere way in front of me - she's much faster), freaking out about what I've gotten myself into, hoping I don't freeze before the race starts, and hoping for two things: 

1. I finish the Disney Princess Half Marathon and 
2. I can find Stitch on the course and have my picture taken with him.


  1. No need to freak out about the race, you are doing GREAT!

    I hope you find Stitch, though. If he runs/walks/bounces anywhere near me before you go by, I'll jump him and hold him down until you can get a picture with him. :-)
