Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Made me think

I'm not telling you it is going to be easy,
I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

I just saw this quote on FB posted by a friend (Thanks Carrie!).  It made me think and it's only been up for a few minutes (which means not too many deep thoughts), but it made me think about what I consider hard work. I consider some of my goals to be hard and at times, because of this, I kinda feel overwhelmed by them.  I feel like I can't do it.  I have been trying to lose 30 pounds now for several years.  I've been trying to start a photography business for about a year.  

I keep thinking that losing that 30 pounds shouldn't be hard.  I've lost 35 pounds and kept it off.  The next 20 have been a yo-yo, and those last 30 are what get me.  I think that it shouldn't be so hard to eat healthy and exercise consistently, and yet... Here I sit, needed to go down closer to 35 pounds when just a year ago I was about 25 pounds away.  Why do I let this happen?  It's happened now 3 times. At some point I have to make the mental decision that this is it.  It's not going to be easy, but in the end, it's worth it.  I will be proud of my accomplishment and excited to be where I have wanted to be since I was 15 years old.  

I feel very similarly about my photo business.  It's scary trying to start your own business, especially when you have very little capital to get things moving.  I'm nervous about telling people I'm starting this because I hate to feel like a failure if it doesn't work.  I also don't want people to think I'm just doing this because "everyone is doing it."  I love photography and I love the idea of capturing moments in people's lives.  I'm a history person. I think having these images are important, not only for the people who will enjoy them today, but for future generations who will look back on their families and see where they came from.  But, I'm having a hard time getting going.  I've joined a few groups to help, I've gone to a photography conference, and I'm taking classes when I can afford them, but I'm still having a hard time getting myself out there.  It's not easy, but I know in the end I would be happy doing something I love than doing something I don't.

I need to keep this quote in mind.  Doing nothing is easy.  Doing something is challenging, terrifying.  But the end result is worth all the butterflies and scariness.  When I'm thinking it's too hard or I'm going to fail, I need to remember that in the end, it is worth it.


  1. The challenge, the terror, the uncertainty - only makes the end that much sweeter.

    Your photography - do you have a focus for the business? I coached a friends son in youth soccer. He started taking photos of the team and giving nice prints to the other families with his business card. Then when I coached another team I asked him to come take pictures of our team. I gave pictures to all the players and also a letter/card from him. His focus was sports and youth photography (obviously) and I helped him build up name recognition. If you had a focus and had some creative ideas to build up name recognition it might be helpful.

  2. Thanks Danny! I have narrowed down my area to families, engagement photos, and pets. I would love to do weddings, but I don't have the experience yet, so I'm not going there yet. I did a family session a couple weekends ago (Melnick Family Mini Golf Outing - Hoping people searching for photographers locally will see that and inquire.

    I think my big issue is getting out there and putting myself forward. I'm intrinsically introverted. LOL! I'm really bad at networking and going to Chamber things and such. I need to build a base on what I AM good at, which is one-on-one interaction. Maybe that's what I need to focus on.

    Thanks for your insight. Your friend was lucky to have you around to help him out!
