Monday, April 25, 2011

Running Motivation

I have none lately.  Seriously.  I started the whole idea of training for a duathlon because I can run now and I used to be able to bike.  I knew I could handle the two running portions of the race (3 miles each), but I would need to really train on the bike.  So, I've been focusing on the bike.  Getting to the park 2-3 times a week, getting the bike out of the car, taking it for a spin (last training ride was 9.5 miles and it's the same for today), but for some reason, I can't seem to get motivated to run.

Excuses pop up all the time.  Take Saturday morning for example.  My training schedule (which I've completely made up all on my own) calls for me to run 2-3 miles every Sat.  When hubby decided to go for the 5k in town, I thought that was perfect.  I needed 3 miles and the race is 3 miles.  But, when I got up, it was pouring.  I had no motivation to go out in the rain to run.  Even though I rode my bike in the rain on Friday and survived.  Then, at 9:00 a.m., when the race started, it wasn't raining.  I could have gone for the run.  I could have gotten those 3 miles in.  But I didn't.  I wussed out.  For some reason, the running is just not happening.  And I need to stop that.

If you have any advice, tips, suggestions, motivations to get my butt running again, please share!  I could sure use it!


  1. Well, I can give myself some advice...running will increase when bike is broke. Sigh...

  2. Reverse psychology.

    Tell yourself "I do not like to run and I will NOT go for a run today."

  3. LOL! Thanks Danny! That might just work!

  4. And that is exactly why we are friends! LOL! I wish I had some motivating words for you, but since I can't motivate myself, I will just leave you with this......You are human and tomorrow is another day. Go forth and RUN!

  5. When people ask me if I "enjoy" running (or any other form of exercise, for that matter) I say no. I don't, really. I enjoy the results more- the way I feel when I'm finished, that runner's high that I can't get from anything else, the feeling that my body, spirit and mind are one and all work together during a run, not to mention the health benefits and the aesthetic benefits. then I ask somewhat strange/borderline inappropriate questions:

    "do you enjoy wiping your butt?"
    "do you enjoy using feminine products during your mentrual cycle?"
    "do you enjoy going to the dentist or to the doctor for your annual exam?"

    no? but you do it anyway, right? why??? i run for the very same reasons.
