Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dr. Who

FYI ~ I'm outing myself as a nerd right now.  If you would prefer to think of me as an intellectual, please just find yourself another blog to occupy your time.  ;-)

Alright, here goes.  As you now know, I'm a huge Anglophile.  I grew up that way.  As a child, my grandmother would ask if I watched "Are You Being Served?" or "Faulty Towers."  At the time, I would say no, but since then I have watched "Are You Being Served?"  Which is really very funny, but you need to understand the British humor to get it.  It's kinda dry.

As a kid, my parents would watch Dr. Who on PBS in the 80s.  The Dr. I remember is Tom Baker

I loved his scarf and how I could never figure out what was going on.  Really.  It was beyond me as the show unfolded, but by the end of the episode, it all came together and I got it.  It was just so well written, even if it was kinda cheesy.  Apparently, the budget was kinda non-existent.  LOL!

Back in 2005, Dr. Who was brought back to television with a new Dr.

Christopher Eccleston brought Dr. Who back to life as the 9th Doctor.  Wondering what that means?  You see, when the Doctor realizes he's dying, he regenerates into a new Doctor - new body, new face, new voice...basically new actor.  It allows the show to go on as actors leave the show without disrupting the flow.  It really is smart.  Anyway...Christopher initially came across (at least to me) as a bit nasty and mean.  Now, I will be honest and say the first episodes I saw were with the 10th Doctor who is very fun and light-hearted (if one can say that of a Doctor).  Towards the end of the 2005 season, the Doctor regenerates and in comes David Tennant.

David Tennant took on the role for five years (2005-2010).  I think he really brought the show to an even wider audience.  I loved him as the Doctor and was seriously upset when they decided to regenerate him.  I had no idea what to expect for the new actor/Doctor.  Tennant was fun, goofy, silly, creative, just fantastic!  I just had a really hard time thinking I could ever like a Doctor after David Tennant.  But, you move on and the 11th Doctor is currently Matt Smith.

At first, I wasn't sure.  But, I read he's from Northampton, England (where my grandmother is from), so I decided I would give him a chance.  And so far, it's been worth it!  He's no David Tennant...he's his own character.  He brings his own personality to the role and I think he's made the Doctor a little more mad scientist than previous actors, which seems to fit. He's made the Doctor his own.  And ironically, he has stated he never saw an episode until the auditioned for the role.  LOL!

So, I share this because the newest season just started, with a grand start in 1969 America.  The first time the Dr. Who franchise has ever been to America (it started in 1963).  It was epic, it was intriguing, it was...Dr. Who!  And with a new season on (they run the whole season at once, one episode a Saturday night until the finale), I am more than excited for the Doctor.  I'll be honest, if you liked (well, really loved because no one just liked LOST), you will like Dr. Who.  It's well-written, makes you think, has plots twists and turns, and apparently, only Alex Kingston (Elizabeth Corday from ER) knows all.  Sound at all like LOST?  ;-)  It's not too late to get in on the act.  Check out BBCAmerica for when Dr. Who is on near you!

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