Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weekday Run

I went for my first weekday run in ages this morning.  And the above photo is what it felt like to me.  I am so not a warm weather runner.  To be honest, I'm not a warm weather type of person per se.  Sure, I like hitting the beach and sitting out on a deck for dinner.  I like going out on a boat or playing mini-golf.  But, I've never been a fan of heat or summer.

The body just isn't used to heat yet.  We've had such a cold winter and just this past month, it's just been rainy and chilly all the time.  Having several days where the temps are warm and the sun is out is...odd.  I don't know what to do with it.

But, I went out this morning for a run because my last one was such a disaster.  And sadly, this one wasn't much better.  I got in 2 miles in 29:25.  I'm sure that's faster than Saturday, but it's not where I would like to be for 2 miles.  I've done 2 miles several times in the 26s, and many, many times in the 27s.  I'm not happy with 29 minute 2 miles.  Which means, as awful as it sounds, I need to run more.  Bah.

The rest of the week shapes us thus:

Wednesday: Bike (12.5 miles)
Thursday: Run (1 mile interval)
Friday: Bike (11 miles)
Saturday: Run (2-3 miles)
Sunday: Rest


  1. I think running at night is going to be my salvation this summer. It's still hot, but at least there's no sun beating down on me. Even the 60s or low 70s feel really, really hot to me when the sun's shining. If I weren't on a conference call, I could have said this instead of posting :-)

  2. I don't mind hot weather, but the humidity is florida is KILLER!! It has made my running so much harder

  3. Humidity is awful Amanda! I ran the Princess Half Marathon in February and wow. The heat and humidity difference from where I trained to the race was crazy! Trained in 20 or below temps and ran in 60+ temps. That was rough!

    Thinking I was right in concentrating on biking over the summer, rather than running. Though I have 6 miles to run in my duathlon in June. Hopefully I can gut them out!
