Saturday, October 29, 2011

A little off kilter

So, my normal long runs usually happen on Saturday.  When I started running a few years ago, the only day of the week I ran was Saturday, then when I started adding mileage, it would be Saturday morning.  And I've just continued that.  I'm sure I'm not alone in having my long runs on Saturday mornings.  I'm sure there are lots of people (maybe even the majority) who do this.  I do know it's strange for me to do a long run on either Friday or Sunday.  I've done them occasionally on a Sunday and it just feels...weird.  And not running Saturday morning, when running on Sunday, is weird too.

But, this week I switched up my long run from Saturday to Friday.  Why?

I'm in the Harrisburg area, which is currently receiving 6"-10" of snow.  Yup.  I can attest to this.  There's a lot of snow happening out there.  It's really quite odd.  Snow in October?  Really?  I just checked and there's not average snowfall for October in the Harrisburg area.  Surprise, surprise.  LOL!

So, this is why I switched my run from Saturday to Friday.  I changed the mileage because I'm a wuss and was afraid of running on the Rail Trail on a weekday.  It's awful out in the middle of nowhere and without other runners/bikers out there with me, I really was nervous about being attacked.  Let's just say I was be cautious.  Yea, cautious.

Stay tuned.  I'll probably add some snow photos later in the day.  What's a post about an epic October snow storm without photos?

** Who knew the graphic above would change?  LOL!  When I posted this initially, it showed the Harrisburg area due for 6"-10" of snow.  I swear!**

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