Thursday, November 3, 2011


I finally got 2 weekday runs in this week.  It has been ages since I've done that.  It's kinda embarrassing.  But, I've made a commitment to run all my runs til the Philly Half Marathon on November 20th.

It wasn't a good run by any stretch of the imagination.  I realized shortly into it I had to go to the bathroom. Oops.  It was not pleasant to be honest.  Note to self: remember to go to the bathroom before going for a run of any distance.

Then, as I was almost done, a little girl started yelling behind me.  I normally ignore people yelling around me, but all of a sudden a small dog went tearing past me.  Apparently, she wanted me to stop her dog.  Oops again.  So, I took off trying to catch up with this little dog.  I was no where close to catching him!  But, I did my best to help her corral him and eventually she got him.  He got distracted by other dogs behind a fence and she was able to grab him.  All this chasing after the little dog sure didn't help my running, but it did help the little girl, so I suppose it wasn't all bad.

What we're taking away from this is I got 2 runs in this week.  Huge step for me.  It's been too long.  Next up: 12.5 mile run Saturday, my last long training run until the Philadelphia Half Marathon.  Eep!


  1. Woo Hoo! You know- I see the dog chasing as "sprint" training! :)
    I look forward to hearing about your long run on Saturday.

  2. Spring training? LOL! Hadn't thought of it that way. :-) Great way to put a positive spin on it. I'm not really sure you're going to want to hear about my Saturday run. I'm not sure I want to RUN my Saturday run. Long runs intimidate me still. I'm kinda scared. LOL! We shall see how it goes...

  3. Good job getting back on track! And don't worry about having a bad run now.....get them all out of the way before the race!
