Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Who doesn't love applesauce?  It's always been a favorite of mine.  When I was a kid applesauce was a great snack and my mom always mixed in some cinnamon.  Yum!

As an adult, I still love applesauce.  I actually found a quick and easy applesauce crock pot recipe that tastes just like apple pie filling.  Nom nom nom!  Thought I would share the recipe with you.  It's just perfect on it's own or over ice cream.

First take 8 apples (I bought a bag with 9 and just went with it).



Chop into small pieces

Add 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup sugar (I used Splenda), and cinnamon to taste.

Cook on high for 3.5-4 hours or on low for 8-10 hours.


This is one of my favorite fall recipes and while it takes a bit to get it in the crock pot (what with all that chopping and all), it is totally worth it!