Tuesday, March 6, 2012


And just like that, it's gone.  Last month was amazing!  I was on track with all my health and fitness goals.  I lost more weight than I set out to lose, I ran more and biked more than I anticipated.  I kept a generally upbeat attitude overall. 

But March?  It seems to have disappeared.  Sure, I'm going to the gym.  Sure, I'm doing my runs.  Sure, I'm signed up for three races, but it's like I'm going through the motions.  Well, I suppose that's not true in the case of my 11 mile run.  But, overall, I feel like I'm just sleep walking through my workouts.  I've stopped making any attempt at eating healthy.  I can't seem to get on the ball with that. 

I'm a little stressed at work.  The first time since I started volunteering there in May.  Could that be it?  I'm a little uncertain about a friendship right now.  Could that be it?  Is it the emotional side of things kicking my butt?  Am I reverting back to old habits?  I thought I had started to get a handle on that.  Maybe not...

So, I'm hoping that by writing this out, even if it is a short post, that it will somehow turn things around.  Maybe by just admitting I'm struggling right now.  Putting it out there for all the "world" to see, that I'll get back in the game.  I'll move forward and leave the bad habits behind.  Here's hoping!


  1. This time of year is REALLY difficult for me. I've purposely been taking extra classes at the gym (that I had to pay extra for!) just to keep my butt moving. The weather sucks for running 99% of the time.....that makes me want to not do anything at all. So forced cross training is the answer for me. If you find a solution, I would love know what it is. A lot of people struggle with this issue. Hang in there!

  2. I am so sorry you are struggling. It is really hard to stay motivated all the time. The thing that I see here is that even though you aren't feeling motivated- you are not quitting. You are still working out. Maybe not at 100%. You are still aware of your goals. You are coasting... sometimes we just need a break so we can get re-motivated. We just have to make sure we don't coast too long and cause too much damage in the process. You will get your mojo back!! :)
