Monday, January 19, 2015

Motivational Monday

Oh how I needed to hear this today. I didn't lose weight last week {stayed the same, will post a Friday catch-up soon. Oops!} and I went a little crazy over the weekend.

My normal routine is eat healthy Sunday through lunch on Friday. I allow myself to indulge Friday dinner, lunch and dinner Saturday. It works for me. Unfortunately, the indulging didn't end Saturday night. I had an odd schedule Sunday and I ate way more than I should have. I snacked and had sweets when I should have been eating healthy. So frustrating.

So, when I saw this quote this morning it hit me. Each day is a chance to start over. I can get up this morning and put yesterday behind me. I may reap it's repercussions on Friday, but I can say yesterday is over and get back on schedule. I can do this today. I can't change yesterday and I can make the best laid plans for tomorrow, but can control. I can do this!

Remember that today friends. You can do this! Whatever you set your mind to, you can do!

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