Saturday, May 7, 2011


Sometimes firsts are great - first steps, first kiss, first car.  You name it, there's a first for just about everything.  And today was a first for me.  I hit the road for my last workout of the week, a three mile run.  I haven't done a three mile run two months?  It's been a long time.  Probably a little too long.  But, next Saturday, hubby and I are hitting Pimilco and running the Preakness 5k.  I had to get out there and get a 3 mile run in.

So, off I went into my neighborhood with the side walks (my street and surrounding streets do not have sidewalks.  We barely had shoulders on the roads where I live).  I got started and had a much better half mile and one mile time than my last two runs.  I was thrilled! 

But, as I was trying to add some mileage in (because I messed up where I needed to go to get in 3 miles and had to make it up on the fly), I turned up a side street.  It's not the best side street because it's got a lovely hill.  Bah!  The bane of my running/biking existence. I have been trying to run upright rather than always looking down, I was concentrating on that (oh and maybe Garmin...) when my foot hit a bump in the sidewalk and down I went.  Oh so fun.  Scraped up the palms of bath hands, tiny little scrape on the left knee, but the right hand side didn't make out as well.  Nice gash on the right elbow (which did bleed) and a much more major scrape on the right knee and scratches down the right calf.  It was disconcerting. 

Don't get me wrong, I've fallen tons of times.  I have no sense of real balance and I'm a bit of a klutz.  If I don't have a scrape or bruise on me somewhere, it would be odd.  And oddly enough, I have a tendency not to notice them.  At one point, it took blood before I noticed being injured.  Now, I don't even notice that.  But, I'll tell you.  I noticed this.  LOL!  I'll be fine.  It's nothing major.  My post-run shower isn't going to be fun (I'm kinda dreading it), but in the end, I'll get myself together and go for a training run on Monday. 

I just wanted to share my first.  ;-)

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