Friday, May 6, 2011

Photo Critique

Last night, I went to a meeting of the Lancaster County Photography MeetUp Group.  They have some great presentations (last night was the History of Photography) that I've enjoyed attending and the price for this broke person is perfect!

It was the first time at a meeting where I submitted a photograph for critique.  What's fun about this MeetUp is that for each meeting they suggest a topic.  Now, if you're not feeling that month's topic you can submit anything you like, but I think the challenge is trying to grab a great image with someone else "telling" you want to shoot.  Last night's topic was night photography.

I submitted the above image - a Ferris Wheel from the PIFA (Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts) Street Fair from Saturday, April 30th.  I like Ferris Wheels.  I think they are really pretty and fun.  But, I'm not great at getting a straight on shot that looks "cool," so I have come up with this (Check out more Ferris Wheel images here and here).  Fun, isn't it?

And I was so happy to receive a good critique about it.  It's not quite centered, but several people said they liked that about it.  One also noted he liked that the center wasn't a perfect white O shape (there's a white circle missing).  But, the best critique came from the night's presenter (a HS photography educator) who said at first he thought it was a Ferris Wheel, but then wasn't sure.  Then stated that he has seen two types of Ferris Wheel photos - the straight-on this is a Ferris Wheel shot and a shot where the shutter speed is so slow that you see a ball of movement.  He believes this is the first time he's ever seen a Ferris Wheel photographed in this way (and he liked it!).

What a great first photo critique night!  I was really nervous to submit something, but I figure you can't learn if you don't put yourself out there.  So, it was a great night all around - great presentation (with suggestions for additional learning) and a good first photo critique.  Maybe my photo skills are better than I think.  :-)

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