Thursday, May 5, 2011

National Runners' Month

Apparently, Dick's Sporting Good's has declared May National Runners' Month.  Who knew?  It all started in 2010, when they announced that May is the official month for running.  I suppose that makes sense, I would imagine more people think about running in the spring and summer than in the winter and May always seems to be the gateway to summer and nicer weather.

I tend to be a little cynical and while I appreciate the thought of a National Runners' Month, it's curious that Dick's Sporting Goods is behind it.  I mean, it's not like they have anything to gain by promoting running in the spring.  Sure, they are sponsoring 10 races across the country and the press release mentions some form a charitable contribution (how much and to whom it does not say), but won't they gain a ton by promoting it?  I mean, they are a retail chain in the business of selling athletic gear, which running apparel and shoes are part of.  They sell water bottles, socks, Garmins, and other assorted items helping a runner train.

But, I'll stop being cynical for a moment and say, encouraging running (or any form of exercise) is never a bad thing.  Obesity is a huge issue for America, which seems to be a lot of rhetoric, but not much action.  According to the Trust for America's Health F as in Fat: How Obesity threatens America's Future 2010, "more than two-thirds of states (38) have adult obesity rates above 25 percent. In 1991, no state had an obesity rate above 20 percent."  The statistics are staggering and in some senses frustrating, as it seems that as much as we talk about healthy eating and exercise, the vast majority of us are not doing anything about it.  I'll include myself in this.  I eat too much crap I shouldn't and come up with lots of excuses not to exercise.

So, I think this month, I will take Dick's Sporting Goods National Runners' Month at face value.  I'll push myself to get out there more.  Running, sadly, has taken a back seat to my biking regime lately.  I vow to push myself to run more this month.  In the last two months, I have run a total of 10 miles (5 in March, 5 in April).  A far cry from the 57 miles I logged in January.  I doubt I'll hit 57 miles this month, so I'll set a more realistic about 20 miles?  That seems doable, 5 miles each week.  It's not setting any weekly records, but it sure is a start.  How about you?  Will you celebrate National Runners' Month?

1 comment:

  1. Silly Dick's Sporting Goods. Don't they know EVERY month is National Runners' Month?
