Monday, May 9, 2011

Overly Optimistic

So, Saturday I thought I would rest up on Sunday and be out on the bike today after my little fall.  Yea,  I totally forgot how stiff and sore one gets after falling and tearing skin off one's body.  My elbow seems to be ok, other than my tending to knock it into things on a regular basis (who knew your elbow takes such abuse day in and day out?).  The issue is my knee.  It's not happy.  I think it's doing better.  I've been keeping it bandaged so I can walk around and wear pants (I've been told this is what one does in polite society).  I've been airing it out and putting Band-Aid Hurt-Free Antiseptic Wash (because I'm a big baby and don't want to have the antiseptic sting!) on it periodically.  I've even been icing it down over the last two days.  And while it's much better than it was Saturday, it's not letting me forget that I caused it harm. 

At this point, I'm hoping for a ride or some such on Wednesday.  Give the knee a couple more days of rest and maybe it will start to forgive me.  Of course, I have the uber fabulous Preakness 5k coming up this Sat.  Guess it will not be a PR for me.  :-(  (Really, I had no illusions of it being one, but now I can pretend to be upset when it isn't.  Shhh...)

What a fun week this will be...

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