Tuesday, February 3, 2009

60 Minutes of Exercise!

So, for the first time in a week, I walked at lunch. It was great. I have been indoors because it snowed last Wednesday and since I live in the Northeast, people don't know how to clean off the side walks. So, no walking outside for me. I did some Wii and the treadmill once, but no outside walking.

Until today. I walked for 30 minutes at lunch today. Yea! I like going at lunch because I feel like even if something crazy happens when I get home, I've gotten 30 minutes in. So, I went walking. I wish it was still so wet and that the one path didn't break into a gravel path for a little while, but it is good to get out. And it was WARM today! When I came back to the office, the temp was 32 degrees. LOL! When you've walked in 6 degree weather, 32 is rather warm.

I also came home and did the Wii. I like coming home and using it. I'm addicted to the Advance Step. I don't know why. I want a perfect score, but it is alluding me so far. Stupid advance step. But I got 31 minutes in, so a total of 61 minutes for the day.

And I'm excited to say that I stayed the same weight-wise since the last time I used the Wii. That made me feel good. It's that time and I HATE that my weight wanders all over the place. So, I need to drop 3 pounds by next Wednesday to be on track. I'm back on track with the exercise and food, so I think it's doable. Woohoo!

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