Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two Posts in One Week?

Yup, two posts in one week. :-) It's been a busy week and that makes two updates all that more suprising. But, I'm here and sharing and you're there reading, so let's get moving!

I had two major hurdles this week. Sunday night we headed to Philadelphia to see my boys defend their title as World Champions. It was a miserable night. It was cold and there were odd people all around. It was a sold out game, so what else do you expect? And what made it truly a miserable night was their performance. They played like a bunch of amatuers. Frustrating! These guys know better. Ugh. The hurdle at the game was what to eat for dinner that wasn't horrible. I did some advance scouting and found a place that had vegetarian options and off we went. We grabbed a mozzerella, roasted red pepper, broccoli rabe, and eggpplant wrap. Yum! I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was...and filling! It was a huge wrap, but still. It filled me up the whole game. I did grab a small bag of pretzel crisps on the way home, but only ate half. They were spicy!

Then Monday, we headed to Baltimore to check out the O's at their home opener. And of course, the question lies in what to eat for lunch. So many options in Baltimore, that don't include the ball park! We opted for Philips, though we anticipated eating at the Baltimore Brewing Company, but sad to report they are closed. :-( Since Philips had no line to get in (shocking!), we grabbed lunch there. Had a beer made specifically for Philips and a Salmon BLT without the B. LOL! Silly Lent. It was really good actually. The only critique I have is the fish could have been seasoned in some way. It was just kinda blah. But, overall good. I ate half my fries (a hurculean effort, trust me) and felt good. We wandered the Inner Harbor a tad, then off to the game. We grabbed another beer outside the stadium, then off to the game. This game was crazy with weather and on-field action. It POURED right before the game, but once it ended, the game started and there was no more rain. Phew! And the game ended in a 10-5 win for the O's against the Yankees. Now that's something we can all celebrate!

We shall see how these two days influence my weight. I think I did ok, but you never know. It's really hard to eat out AND eat healthy. But we had a great time and I'm looking forward to baseball season!

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