Monday, November 8, 2010

Half Marathon Training Day 1

After three weeks off of running, I made the executive decision to go out and run.  My knee has been hurting off and on, but I decided I had to do it.  Went up to my normal run area and started.  And my knee hurt. the. entire. run.  Ugh.  I did 2 miles and I did a poor job of estimating where I would finish.  My Garmin went off and I was about a 1/4 mile from my car.  Got a nice cool down walk in.  LOL! 

So, now I have to determine what to do about my knee.  Several people recommend the doctor.  One because he always recommends I go to the doctor.  The other because she believes it's a hamstring injury and should be checked out.  Ugh.  Decisions...decisions...

The first real running injury I've ever had and now it's completely screwing with me.  Lovely.


  1. good for you getting back out there!

  2. Thanks Kristin! I'm trying. I've now got a half marathon to train for. Eek!

  3. Now you know you are hard core!!!
