Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last Run

Had my last run before the half on Sunday.  It amazes me people who do not clean off their sidewalks.  Makes for a treacherous run, that's for sure!  And I thought about that as I ran.  The next time I'm running (Sunday), it will be 60+ and sunny.  A far cry from the 29 and sunny I had today.

I am still a little freaked out about Sunday, but the planning and packing right now has me somewhat calm.  But, as I was wandering the side streets running, I kept thinking how early I'll be up to run.  And for a night owl, this doesn't bode well for a good night's sleep.  Trying to decide how early to go to bed so I might get a few hours of sleep before getting my butt on the bus.  Have to be in the corral area at 5:00 a.m., even though I don't start until after 6:00 a.m.  Ugh.

If nothing else, it will be nice to get out of the freezing temperatures of the Mid-Atlantic.  The temps for this weekend:

Friday - H: 85 ~ L: 60
Saturday - H: 84 ~ L: 60
Sunday - H: 85 ~ L: 62

That low of 62 is sure going to kill when I'm used to a low of 22!


  1. You are going to kick Princess ass!

  2. Thanks! I sure hope so! Though, I better not get caught doing it. They may kick ME out of the parks! ;-)

  3. How did it go???????? We want all the details. :)

  4. I just posted a note on FB. I'll bring it here shortly. :-) Thanks for checking in Heather!
