Friday, June 24, 2011


It's Friday!  Woohoo!  I've always liked Fridays, even when I wasn't doing anything (like the last 2 years) because even if it meant nothing to me, at least hubby wasn't working.  But, now with the archives, Fridays are great again! 

It was a busy week at the archives.  Monday, I learned how to mend historic documents.  Which was awesome!  Tuesday, I spent my day doing research into documents written by or to George Washington.  Yup, that George Washington.  Wednesday, I spent the morning researching some more, but also learning to page in the research room.  This means, when people come into the archives to research, I head up into the Tower to grab the box or carton they want to look at.  So, looks like I'll be adding that to my duties as well this summer.  Thursday, I continued working on the Washington papers, then spent the afternoon cleaning Civil War muster out rolls.  What a fun week!  There's always something new and fun going on.  :-)

We had a bit of a scare this week with Elizabeth.  She's our little kitty, who is generally pretty unadventuresome.  The other evening, hubby couldn't find her.  Which isn't that unusual.  She tends to sleep alot and sometimes hides when she does so.  But, he was in the kitchen and started hearing noises in the ceiling.  So, he asks if I've seen her and since I hadn't, we started wondering where she could be.  He heads upstairs to the bathroom and sees the cabinet door open and Pooka staring into it...straight into a hole in the wall.  Turns out our unadventuresome kitten had crawled into the hole and was wondering around inside the walls!  I grabbed the treat bag, called her name, and shaked the bag.  She came out.  Phew!  Silly little cat!  We are now being more careful with that cabinet.

Elizabeth the Kitten, who crawled into the walls of the house this week.

On the never-ending battle to lose weight, I am down another pound this week.  Finally!  I am in the next 10 pound range!  I haven't seen numbers like these since May 2010, before we headed to Europe.  Shesh!  I'm very happy to be here and am hoping to keep going.  I have 27.6 pounds to go by the end of the year.  It's totally doable!
Thought I would update the goals for June (because I tend to forget I set goals).  Not too shabby!

1. Lose 2.5 pounds. - down 1 this week, 1.5 to go
2. Run 20 miles (I'm already at 13 for the month.) - up to 16 miles, with a 5k this Sunday
3. Bike 50 miles (I'm already at 38 for the month) - up to 47.5 miles 

So, not too shabby with those goals.  I see hitting goals 2 & 3.  We shall see about goal 1.  I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but weight loss seems to be coming in 1 pound increments lately.  If I miss my goal by .5 pounds, eh.  No biggie.  It's still a loss and that's what matters in the long run.  But, I'm going to try hard to hit that 1.5 pound mark by Thursday!


  1. Your cats are crazy! Glad you got her out of the walls. That could have been a nightmare.

    Good job on all your goals!

  2. Yea. If she didn't come out on her own, we would have had to bring someone in to rip up the ceiling. Ugh. Stupid cats. LOL!

    Thanks! Not sure if they are all doable by the end of the month, but 2/3 should be. :-) That's something, right?
