Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And we revise

So, this whole upper respiratory infection put a damper on my training.  I did neither of my 30 minute runs last week, nor did I do my 4 mile run on Saturday.  There was just no way I could do them.  I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't stop coughing (I was on two different cough meds too!). I had a headache for most of the week.  So, I didn't.  I rested.  I took my over-the-counter and prescription medications. I healed.

Where does this leave me?  Good question.  My original training program from here on out looked like this:

October 22: 12.5 miles
October 29: 4 miles
November 5: 14 miles
November 12: 5 miles

Ummmm....I don't see this happening.  I see something more along the lines of this happening:

October 22: 4 miles
October 29: 12.5 miles
November 5:
November 12:

It's those last two weeks I'm not sure what to do.  Maybe 6-7 on the 5th and 5 miles on the 12th?  I believe that 14 mile run is getting dropped.  It's ok.  I've already run an 11 mile training run and have the 12.5 mile one scheduled.  For my first half, I only ran one double digit training run and I crossed the finish line.  While ideally, I would have gotten that 14 mile run in, life happens.  I didn't want that upper respiratory infection, but you handle what gets thrown your way.  This is how I'm dealing.  Hopefully, it will be enough.

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