Sunday, February 3, 2013


Yup, another post about that kitty up there. He's starting to act like himself, even if his legs still aren't cooperating. For the first time since Friday, he rolled over when we petted his tummy (he's the weirdo cat that likes his tummy rubbed) and you can tell he's more there in his eyes.

With all that said, I had a 10 mile run scheduled this weekend for Shamrock training. I honestly haven't been the best at my training to date, but I was getting back into the swing of things. Friday I was stressed so much that even though I knew I had a 10 miler Saturday morning, I slept until 11:00 a.m. I guess the body needed the rest.

And then I made the decision that this 10 mile run isn't as important as making sure my cute Pooka is ok. I know he's just a cat to some, but he's one of the first pets I've had that I am responsible for. Sure, I had pets as a kid, but you know who really takes care of them. Pooka (and his brother Higgy) were mine. I was in college when I brought them home. They moved out with me when I rented a townhouse with a friend. They moved home with me when she bailed on the townhouse 6 months before my wedding. They moved again when hubby and I married and moved into our own townhouse. And they moved again when we moved to PA. They are my friends and my responsibility and right now it is my responsibility to make sure Pooka is ok.

I have plenty of time to get a long run in for Shamrock. I didn't run more than a 6 miler in January last year when I was training and this year I ran a 9 miler. I will be fine. One weekend of taking care of a special kitty won't derail my plans and you know what? If it does, if I don't run a PR, if I run a slow race, if I walk more than I want, if I come in last? It doesn't matter. What matters is my sweet little boy who needs me.

Still taking any prayers or positive vibes you might be willing to spare for my little friend. Thank you!


  1. I don't blame you for skipping out on the long run to hang out with your little guy! I hope he continues to improve!!

  2. Thank you Leana! He finally went to the bathroom (sorry, but we were worried since it had been 2 whole days) and we kinda did a little dance. I'm working on my February workout plan, so I'm not completely blowing things off and I'll be doing 60 minutes on my home bike and my weight routine, just not a long run. I just don't want to be that far from my little friend.
