Above is my time. I'll be honest, I was just hoping for a sub-40 today. My legs were still a bit wobbly yesterday, so I didn't think my run would be fast. It wasn't great, but it wasn't awful. I was doing pretty good until the last 1.1 miles. I had a good pace, but my legs decided 2 miles would have been a better choice and it really took effort to get that last 1.1 miles in, especially since it's all uphill.
But, I did. And I shall receive this for my efforts.
I'm liking these monthly runs/medals. They honestly help me get my butt out there and run my miles. Looking forward to signing up for the April race. Though my April race schedule is pretty packed:
April 6: Movie Madness 5k
April 13: Lager Jogger 5k
April 20: Sole of the City 10k
Guess the last weekend of the month will be Get Out & Run 5k. LOL!
Are you training for a race? What helps motivate you to get out there?

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