Monday, January 5, 2009

Back on the wagon...Weight Watchers that is

So, back to the first weigh-in of the year. Lovely. Gained 1.8 pounds since the last time I was there. Originally, they told me I gained .2 pounds and I was about to do a happy dance. Then she realized she did the math backwards. Grrrrr.... anyway...

While on my way home from the meeting tonight, I realized that I have a goal. 7-squared. I gave it a fancy nickname. Because I'm just cool like that. What does 7-squared mean? I will loose 7 pounds a month for the next 7th months. Yes, that = 49 pounds by the end of July. A lofty goal, but I've got a wedding at the end of Las Vegas...and I want to look as hot as the temps are going to be!

So, I did well on exercise today. I took my lunch hour and walked. I took my new pedometer and randomly started off. I got in 3.2 miles in my hour. I don't want to walk too fast because I do have to go back to being a professional at 1:00 p.m. (wow. What would Cinderella say to THAT?) But I was proud of myself for packing my sneakers, shuffle, and pedometer. It was nice to get out there and walk. I should have worn my gloves because my hands got cold, but other than that, it wasn't too bad.

After my meeting, I jumped on the Wii Fit. Yes, I did an hour of walking AND did the Wii Fit. I rock. LOL! I am slightly addicted to the step exercise. I want to get it perfect. LOL! So I did that for a while, then tried my luck at the advanced step. And finished off with a run. Uhhh...46 minutes later... Really, I was just having fun!

So, the goal is 7 pounds by the end of the month. Stay tuned!

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