Saturday, December 11, 2010

Operation 20 Still Plugging Away

It has not been as easy as I thought it would be to stick to healthy eating over the last 6 weeks.  I really though I had it licked.  I was motivated.  I wanted to kick some fat to the curb.  I wanted to reach a certain weight by the end of the year.  And then...I don't know.  It didn't happen.  I've been playing with the same few pounds for the last few weeks.  It's frustrating. 

Operation 20 Goal (February 25th): 20 pounds
Operation 20 Half-Goal (December 31st): 10 pounds
Today's Result: -1 pounds.

Operation 20 To-Go: 17 pounds
Operation 20 Half-Goal to Go: 7 pounds

So, not where I wanted to be at this stage in the game.  There are three weeks left in the year, which means I can still lose a bit more before the New Year.  I won't hit my 10 pound goal by the end of the year, but I'm not going to give up.  I'm going to keep on plugging away and if I lose 5 pounds by the end of the year, well, that's 5 pounds I can cross off my list.

I will say, I have really gotten into the Disney Princess Half Marathon training now.  I have a running plan all laid out for me that will help me reach that 13.1 miles come February 27th.  The plan and I differ about where I should be right now, but no worries, some how we meet up at the end of the month and I will be on-track mileage wise with it going into 2011.

With that being said, hubby and I hit the Jingle Bell 5k this morning.  I was scheduled for 3 to 3.5 miles today, it was perfect timing.  We like it because for some unknown reason we always finish with really good times.  I ran my PR for a 5k at this race last year and missed it this year by thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.  Ugh.  Ah well.  It's the first time I've run 3.1 miles since October 17th, so I'm not complaining too much...and it was the second best time I've ever had.  ;-)  So, a good cold run.  The next race on the horizon is Disney...eep!